Wednesday, February 23, 2011

There are always dirty dishes in my little kitchen sink

Rahm Emanuel is now Mayor of Chicago. When I saw his challenger Carol Moseley-Braun debating him the other night, I noted Ms. Braun wearing her eye glasses down on her nose. In my opinion, wearing eye glasses adorning the tip of your nose when addressing an audience does not say the things you want it to say about you. It becomes a major part of your body language. Ms. Braun lost her race for Mayor of Chicago. Enough said.

Last month, I saw a young lady playing the piano in a solo competition. She was wearing long ear rings. The composition she was playing had one key signature and her ear rings another.

The other night, white rapper Eminem won two awards for performing music invented by Blacks.

Today, Pres. Gaddafi of Libya asked his subjects why were they destroying their own country and who do they want to rule them? I think he was saying, “Be careful what you wish for”. I have heard people in Iraq expressing buyers’ remorse regarding things they have to now pay for. I heard the same from Russians after the Soviet break-up. I saw soup lines.

I am mindful reading just before the Iraq invasion that Israel wanted America to deal with three countries on their behalf: Iraq, Iran and Syria. They were saying to America, ‘You start the conflict in those countries and we can take over from there’. (Wink)

My son-in-law came by today. He is a political junkie like I am. In his youthful excitement, he sometimes tries to talk over me. I find his bravery admirable.

As always,


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