Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Mubarak to protesters: I made you and I can break you

It is not unusual for a person to feel ownership of another. It happens all the time. When a person feels scorn by a person whom they loved and groomed for a period of time and that person turns on them, it hurts. Big time!

In my opinion, when Pres. Mubarak would not go quietly into the night and appointed Omar Suleiman as his Vice President, his anger was apparent. His anger has escalated due to the fact his people are still calling for him to abdicate his position and to leave the country.

And so it is, seeing pro and con groups clash in the streets is, to the President, heart warming. He will not leave his office without a fight, even if it is a street-fight. It doesn’t matter. He is angry. If the fight gets bloody, so be it. It doesn’t matter now.

His heart is with his sympathizing street fighters. He feels he is the best man and should win even if winning is through the vicarious experiences of his surrogates. The good Pres. Mubarak is now a very angry man. He knows he can stop the melee if he wants to do so or he simply may be getting bad advice. Whatever the situation, human nature will have its way.

As always,


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