Thursday, January 27, 2011

The President and Sand Castles

While musing upon what author Alexander Woolcott observed of himself, "Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening," and after listening to the Presidents’ State of the Union speech last night, I further mused everything the President wants to do requires honor, oversight and consequences.

In my opinion, this means putting honorable people in responsible positions. It means having an agency providing the oversight for which it was created and finally, it means leveling appropriate consequences for poor performances. Doing anything else is building sand castles at the waters’ edge, a wish list, a ‘Cabin in the sky’.

I was told long ago one sign of being bored is when your mind wanders and last evening listening to the President, my mind did a whole bunch of wandering. On one journey, it wandered to some breaking news I recently read:
Moscow (CNN) — Russian President Dmitry Medvedev fired top airport security officials Wednesday, two days after a blast killed 35 people at Moscow’s busiest airport.

“If people don’t understand how to work, we’ll find other people,” Medvedev said, according the RIA-Novosti news agency.
read more at:

This morning, I read this authors’ account of the speech:

Despite Their Unpunished Crimes, Obama Says, "I Don't Want to Punish the Banks"
By Mike Elk
What the president should have done tonight, in addition to calling for tough financial reform, was to call for a special task force armed with thousands of investigators to look into crimes committed by the big banks.
Read more at:

I find myself having difficulty saying what I want to say. I am trying to say you have to build things on solid foundations. I am trying to say sand castles are impermanent. I am trying to say reality is not a series of illusions. These things I am trying to say but lack the skills. However, in my own way, I have tried my best. There is some comfort from the song, “All you need is love”.
As always,


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