Friday, February 04, 2011

Cairo: No demonstration signs in German, French or Chinese

Last night, the ever gracious and brilliant Madeleine “Madame Secretary” Albright was on *The Rachel Maddow Show. I am never disappointed hearing what Ms. Albright has to say and last evening was no different. What she has to say is always meaningful to me and always spot on.

Rachel opened her show with the question, (Paraphrased) “Why is the media being drummed out of Cairo” to which Ms. Albright replied, (also paraphrased) “The media is setting up a situation wherein it is either the Muslin Brotherhood or us” and I could not agree more. In opposition to the Presidency of Mr. Mubarak, there have to be groups other than what is portrayed as ‘that horrid Muslin Brotherhood group’.

You can feel the media inching towards full scale admonishing of ‘those God-awful, dreadful Muslims’. There are already ‘off with his head’ innuendos directed towards Vice President Omar Suleiman for having invited the (gasp!) Muslin Brotherhood group to talk with him. I do not re-call any other group mentioned. I think Ms. Albright rightfully calls it a missed opportunity. The media is not doing its job. (Yawn)

I think it safe to say some of the demonstrators on both sides were born into Muslin families, have Muslin relatives and close friends or married into a Muslin family. No big deal!

No one but NO ONE mentions the 800 pound gorilla in the room. No one mentions the critical fact Israel wants to be a separate Jewish state and how all group opposed to their treatment of the Palestinians are deemed anti-Semitic and Muslin terrorist groups. This is the bed the America press made and now his to lie in. The consequences are disastrous. It could very well be that goose/gander thing with Egyptians. Ms. Albright, to her credit, did name a country run by Muslins.

I feel there is a hero or heron on the horizon in Egypt. In situations like this, there always is. There is a Martin Luther King, Malcolm X or Mahatma Gandhi somewhere amongst the thousands of demonstrators. As I always say, ‘Heroes come from the most un-expected places and at the most un-expected time’ and, alas, it is not Mr. El Baradei.
As always,

* Madeline Albright


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