Saturday, August 28, 2010

Leaderless America, on the precipice of a waterfall without a paddle

Today, in my opinion, Glenn Beck, at his “Restoring Honor” rally did metaphorically suggest using the teachings of the Bible as a paddle and I was impressed.

I was impress not that I am a religious man but as an ex-school teacher who has time after time seen expressions of a persons’ heart. Whether seeing it in the faces of students singing a selection from Leonard Bernsteins’ “Mass”, singing a Christmas Carole or delivering a speech to an assembly of their peers, I have seen hearts.

I give “Kudos” to Glenn Beck for having an organized heart-felt event. The speakers came forth on cue and at the ending of the program, the singing of “Amazing Grace” was on cue, the bag piper and drummer came in on cue including the entrance of ministers of various faiths followed by the entrances of clearly articulating singers.

Such events take a whole bunch of planning and clear enunciation of directions from the program director.

These are many of the things making an event meaningful to me. My theory is milking the hell out of your format giving the audience ‘gold standards’ at every turn of events; you owe it to them for attending your event due to the fact they could have stayed home watching mediocracy on their television sets. If necessary, heir a professional for help.

As a Music Teacher for forty years and having to satisfy both students and parents while giving two concerts a year -a Christmas and Spring concert- I have developed an impatience with what I consider ad hoc programs of any kind. I don‘t care what case you want to make, I only want you to make it worth my while attending. Entertain me! I am your invited guest.

Unfortunately, I have to endure more and more of the performances of the Glenn Becks for a much needed paddle due to the fact this administration, the Obama administration, stubbornly refuses to take a heart-felt leadership role of any dimensions to satisfy its base, including the ’Professional left’ and there are dire consequences. Personally, I think the administration is saying to us as we are on our way to the ballot box in November and metaphorically on the precipice of a waterfall without a paddle, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn!”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors, God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,


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