Saturday, August 28, 2010

Glenn Beck attempts to usurp the throne

In my opinion, later today Glenn Beck is going to use the Martin Luther King Day as his own Inauguration Day. He will give a “Friends, Romans, Countrymen, I come not to bury Caesar…” speech, thus paving the way for a long succession of coup attempts performed by Republicans and it will be nasty. Today will be the most overt. It will elevate coup attempts. This I believe.

Last evening on the Ed Schultz Show, I was informed two of our richest Republicans compared Pres. Obama to Hitler and Mussolini. These are chilling allegations but when you have a leaderless anything, this is what happens; people vie for leadership positions. The attempted American coup in Venezuela awakened Chavez’ ass up! Let's hope our President is as perceptive as Pres. Chavez, if it is not already too late.

I understand Sen. John Boehner will give his “coup” speech immediately after the President delivers his upcoming speech on finance or something. Whatever.

I am mindful of the famous lines of actress *Bette Davis, “Fasten your seat belts. It is going to be a bumpy night!”

As always,

*Bumpy night

1. On Glenn Beck, His Rally, and Why I'm Pissed
by Setrak
This means there have been more such strikes in the tribal areas so far this year than in any year prior, despite the fact that George W. Bush had seven years to do something about the situation there. Under President Barack Obama, there have been more drone strikes in just over a year and a half than had occured after seven years of George W. Bush and the hunt for Osama bin Laden.

Glenn Beck's rally is going to further more of these illusions. Surely someone will probably try to further UnAmericanize Barack Obama despite the President's best efforts to actually capture/or/kill Osama bin Laden and Co in ways that make Cowboy-Bush look like a little boy holding a water pistol. Or a drunk.(something that George W. Bush and Glenn Beck had in common........)
Read more at:,-His-Rally,-and-Why-Im-Pissed

2. I give up on politics. Let's talk about subjects we can influence.
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by jec
It's time to change the subject. Fuck the politics. we never get what we vote for anyway. We had such great hope in the promises made in 2008 and what did we get? More of the same.
Read more at:

3. Obama is Slowly Losing this Obama Supporter
by LarsThorwald
I really never thought I'd write those words about this man. He's off his game and he's moving backwards.

I mean, where is President Obama in all of this? Where is his fight? where is his head? What is he thinking? What direction is he looking? I knew well where Obama's fight was during the primary, and I knew well where Obama's head was when he made that Wright speech, and I knew well where he wanted to lead this nation when he gave the State of the Union way back in January.
Read more at:


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