Friday, January 25, 2013

Sen. Harry Reid to the President: KMA!

I have never been a fan of Mr. Reid and I did not wish him well during his last election in 2010. At that time and up to the present time, I do not think Mr. Reid has the interest of the President nor his administration at heart.

Mr. Reids’ continuous excuses for not bringing certain bills to the floor has led  me to believe he is not  friend but foe of the President and his administration. The results of his latest antics regarding his long standing “…leave no stone un-turned” desire to modify the Senate Filibuster Rules is embarrassing and insulting to me as an Obama supporter.
In my opinion, Mr. Reid is also an embarrassment to both his colleagues and other members of the Democratic Party. He is making their jobs to be effective all but impossible as per the desires of Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell et al.

I personally feel Mr. Reid is too close to lobbyist and financial institution and feels it would not be in his financial interest to go along with many proposals set forth by the President. The word “appeasement” amongst other less subtle ones comes to mind.

I look forward to Democrats in the Senate seriously evaluating Mr. Reids’ effectiveness as Majority Leader and taking appropriate actions.  Duty calls! We constituents can write as many letters and make as many phone calls we desire to our Senators to no avail. The problem is and has always been with the ineffectual Sen. Harry Reid and I must admit he plays a good under the radar game. Damn good!

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,
P.S. Last evening, The Rachel Maddow Show produced an impressive segment on the situation.

Tom Harkin: Filibuster Reform Failure Hamstrings Obama Agenda

By Michael McAuliff
 Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) warned President Barack Obama that he "might as well take a four-year vacation" if the Senate fails to pass real filibuster reform -- and the plan being unveiled Thursday by Senate leaders doesn't qualify, the veteran lawmaker said.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) had threatened action to change the rules, but the deal coming out Thursday only ends filibusters at the start of debates and not on the bills themselves or other steps along the way.
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