Wednesday, November 07, 2012

America to Obama…..

We are not going to kick you out of the White House!

My interpretation of the President getting a second term in office  continues, “We know it was rough for you and for us these past few years and if it continues for four more years, so be it! We will not allow them to chase you away.”

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

 Time for Republicans to do some soul searching
By Matt K. Lewis
The first instinct of some will be to blame the voters — to say they just don’t “get” it — or to imply the “takers” simply outnumber the “makers.”


But it is the job of politicians and parties and movements to persuade Americans to buy into their vision. And they clearly aren’t buying what Republicans are selling. It’s time for the GOP to do some serious soul searching.

Read more:

And this brilliantly written article By Jonathan Chait:
The gamble was that by denying Obama any support, they would render his presidency wholly partisan at best, and a dysfunctional failure at worst. They would increase their own chances of denying him a second term, and that their return to power would allow them to claim a full and absolute break with the past. They shoved all their chips onto tonight’s election. When the networks called it at 11:15 p.m., the totality of the right’s failure was clear. And because they bid up the stakes as high as they could, their loss was unusually devastating.
Read more at:


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