Friday, September 21, 2012

Is “The Tea Party” an amorphous creature?

For years I have been suspicious of the most recent political entity calling itself “The Tea Party”. To this very day I am irritated when various news outlets try informing me about what “it” is doing. “It” rarely has a human associated with it and  never  appears in person defending or elaborating on what the news outlets are accusing it of doing. “It” is always the *amorphous Tea Party.

Last  evening the illustrious Rachel Maddow opened her show with a segment titled, “I see dead people” and how much money the state of North Carolina is shelling out in  response to allegations from “it”, The Tea Party.

There were documents and real people parading on camera responding to Tea Party allegations that dead people were somehow voting in North Carolina but to my continuing  dismay,   faces  of the accusers were conspicuously missing.

With much haste, Rachel chased the faceless creature  down only to discover that “It” was a business protected by law thereby preventing her from revealing names or conducting interviews.  Although in the past that kind of situation has not shut doors in Rachels’ face, I suspect fears of law suites and costly lawyers took its toil on her otherwise informative and labor intensive segment.  Sad.

As always,

*The amorphous creature is a common trope in science fiction. Usually it is depicted as a living mass of jelly-like substance that can take any shape it wants.
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