Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Santorum does not lay golden eggs

Rick Santorum won three caucuses last night. He won without having a whole bunch of money.

Mr. Santorum won in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri and this has set MSM and the Americans Oligarchy on its hind legs. They have been headed off at the pass by the Calvary.

I am mindful of something Rush Limbaugh said the other week, (paraphrased) Those pushing for a Mitt Romney Presidency are only doing so to gain control of his vast financial empire.

In my opinion, this implies the three other contestants are too poor to get involved with: Ron Paul has no money to speak of, Santorum has even less and Newt Gingrich can only peddle influences. Question: If you were MSM and other components of the American Oligarchy, which one of the four candidates would you like to be your political goose capable of laying golden eggs? That bunch may send Mr. Romney to the poor house if he is not careful. And if he does become President, he is definitely going to have to share his wealth with other sharks in the water. In my opinion, that’s a given.

Political pundits making whole cloth
They become obsessed with one word or a quote taken out of context creating a garment so flawed you would be embarrassed giving it to the Salvation Army. It is exasperating to experience them making their case and wonder how could people thinking like that function in a modern society or even having graduated from a half-way decent high school. You can only pity and pray for their family and friends and thank the Gods in blissful reverence you are neither.
As always,


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