Friday, January 13, 2012

Should Blacks set Pres. Obama free?

I would suggest there are few Blacks who would deny the fact President Obama has fought a good fight as the first Black President of the United States. I am one who feels he is and has been living in the belly of the beast all his life.

Racism in America has become an art form with the ambiguity of the Mona Lisa smile. Those of us having jobs of tremendous prestige and responsibilities are acutely aware of its varied subtleties and off’times capricious areas of manifestation. We know the toil it takes on us, our family and friends. We know the land mines that we have to constantly and consistently avoid as it gnaws away at our authority invoking both pity on one hand and scorn on the other.

And I would further suggest there are few who would deny the President has done the best he could under the circumstances and would say with all the love in our hearts, “Well done, my good and faithful servant,” it is now time for you to get some rest. No more rough sides of mountains to climb. The world will continue to turn.

Fighting for the dignity of my Ancestors,
God bless Bill Gates, WPFW, C-SPAN and the spirits of the unborn for the help,

The C.E.O. in Politics
First, successful presidents tend to be emotionally secure. They have none of the social resentments and desperate needs that plagued men like Richard Nixon. Instead they were raised, often in an aristocratic family, with a sense that they were the natural leaders of the nation. They were infused, often at an elite prep school, with a sense of obligation and responsibility to perform public service.

In sum, great presidents are often aristocrats and experienced political insiders. They experience great setbacks. They feel the presence of God’s hand on their every move.
Read more at:

See also..
Does the President long for Rev. Jeremiah Wright?


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