Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mr. President, take me to your leader!

I want to know where the buck stops.

History is repeating itself. It is truly disgusting to see how the President continues to be a willing and passive subordinate to his own subordinates. It appears the President has learned nothing from reading the book by Ron “Confidence men” Suskind.

Once again he has a member of his own party, Re: Harry Reid (Iago?) making decisions exposing his lack of leadership as the President of this country. I am in favor of the President himself calling back members of the Senate to resolve the tax issue and any other issue that arises. It’s their job mandated by the U.S. Constitution.
As always,

House Republicans getting heat over payroll-tax measure
"I've got eight people ready to negotiate," Boehner said. "We're ready to sit down and resolve these differences. And the sooner we do it, the better off we'll be."

The Senate had left town Saturday with the expectation that the House would accept its two-month measure, and Senate Majority Leader Reid has said he doesn't plan to call his chamber back before it reconvenes Jan. 23.
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