Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Boxed in with Rick Perry

I get furious when I think the media is trying to manipulate me and I feel that way now!

I have always felt Republicans, Wall Street and the Oligarchy would reward Pres. Obama for his “good work” by putting up a candidate he could easily beat with one arm tied behind his back. I have thoughts there are tacit agreements between the “powers that be” and the President that implies if they are satisfied with him for various reasons, his Presidency is safe and will not be challenged.

Further, the implications would be stated thus; even if your constituents don’t want you to remain in your position as President or have desires to entertain challengers, voters will be forced to make a choice between you and an intellectually and *educationally challenged opponent. We will do our part making sure they choose you. They will have no choice.

Enter Michele Bachman and Rick Perry and to hell with Ron Paul.

As always,

* The four year college transcript of Rick Perry was published last week and one can only make comical guesses regarding the transcript of Michele Bachman.


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