Sunday, August 14, 2011

I hope Elizabeth Warren does not run for U.S. Senate

On the political scene of today, we are face to face with the scum of the earth! Deceit, treachery, back-stabbing, unfair censuring, you name it.

In my opinion, the report from Standard and Poor’s aptly addresses our political environment and I personally would not like to see Ms. Warren subjected to any more of it.

I have no illusions regarding my profound respect for Ms. Warren.

Ms. Warren has touched the third rail of Wall Street and its re-actions to date are timid compared to re-actions she would receive seeking a seat in the U.S. Senate. We have all witnessed the long and lethal tentacles of Wall Street.

Having Ms. Warrens’ personal life dragged through the mud is something I do not want to see and I am sure neither does her family or friends. I hope she can continue to find solace in her teaching career.

For compassionate reasons, I would not vote for Ms. Warren to be a U.S. Senator but I would vote for her being considered “A National Treasure”. I am mindful of the words of Pres. Harry Truman: “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.”
As always,

Signs Point to Senate Run by Elizabeth Warren

“I left Washington, but I don’t plan to stop fighting for middle class families. I spent years working against special interests and have the battle scars to show it – and I have no intention of stopping now,” Warren wrote on Blue Mass Group, a left-leaning blog.

Warren was recently passed over to lead the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, the agency that she was widely credited with setting up. As a result of her outspoken advocacy to increase regulations on banks and hedge funds, Warren has emerged as a darling of the left, leading many leading Democrats in Washington to urge her to challenge Brown.
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