Saturday, November 10, 2012

Karl Rove et al., played by the media (Update)

With the  media and pollsters constantly telling rich anti-Obama moneybags  the Obama/Romney Presidential  race was neck-n-neck, the final results from the Electoral College had a disastrous and not even  distant close score of 332-206 in favor of Obama.

 In my opinion, all of the moneybags were  played  big time! The expression goes: “A fool and his money are soon parted.“ Are law suits to follow? (Tee-hee)
As always,

 -(Gum chewing secretary) Mr. Rove, um, those pollsters are here again. They want to see you.

-Show them in. Gentlemen, my friends and  I are very pleased with your work. You are doing a fine job, a great job! And because of that, we have decided to continue our contract with you. All of you. I have directed my secretary here to give each of you another million dollars to continue this important work. I‘ll see you next week. Have a good day. (peering out of the window)  They are driving bigger cars then they had when they fist came here awhile ago.

-Un-huh, and one of them has a Black chauffeur.He's  the one who rang the doorbell. He was cute.

 (Update) Karl Rove under fire
The face of the historic $1 billion plan to unseat President Barack Obama and turn the Senate Republican, Rove now finds himself the leading scapegoat for its failure. And he’s scrambling to protect his status as a top GOP money man by convincing disappointed donors to his Crossroads groups that he did the best he could with their $300 million.

Rove “has a lot of explaining to do, mostly to his donors. I don’t think donors are ever going to invest in that level again because it turns out that the architect didn’t know what he was talking about,” Tyler told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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