Thursday, November 08, 2012

2016: (Tuh-duh) The Clintons!

In my opinion, the Clintons still collectively want to be President of the United States of America and President Obama has lighted their way. More than ever, they can see the light shining brightly at the end of the tunnel for both of them.

I was angry and did not understand at first. President Obama was compassionate in his feelings towards Hillary losing the race against him in ‘08 so he decided she should have another chance at capturing the golden ring. He felt she would be in a political position hard to beat in the next Presidential election were she Secretary of State in his Administration. That was his strategy and it worked.  The President was confident  that Hillary, as Secretary of State, would meet other world leaders and be aware of their concerns and talking points.  And consequently if she did her   job well, she would not be a stranger to them and they would wish her well and welcome her back  into their country  as a Presidential candidate and later as President.

As things now stand, Hillary is leaving her job as Secretary of State with high marks from both the American and world community hopefully to prepare herself to run in 2016.

Her husband Bill, who was seething from her ‘08 defeat, soon saw the light as to  how well Pres. Obama had set her up to become President came on board and, oh boy! he broke out on the scene wearing his cowboy hat and boots with  blazing  shot guns in both hands. It was breathtaking! He should now start courting the American Haitian community Pres. Obama linked him into.

The 2016 Presidential race is going to be interesting. I wish them well.

As always,
P.S. When Hillary had the character to publicly take the blame for whatever happened in Benghazi and at this point,  teams of mules could not stop me from voting for her as President in 2016. She ever so skillfully prevented Republicans from trying to make the unfortunate Benghazi incident their perceived Waterloo for Pres. Obama. I was very impressed!! The incident became just as inconsequential to his re-election as the Florida vote.


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