Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sometimes I feel like an un-married and childless man…

My topic is a take-off on the old Negro spiritual, “Sometimes I feel like a motherless child”.

While watching Dr. Harris-Perry on the Ed Schultz show last evening, I tried to keep an open mind regarding her rant on Dr. Cornel West. I have always considered Dr. West childish, so my interest in what Dr. Harris-Perry was saying about him was marginal.

However, after reading a diary by The Plainsman highlighting like-minded positions of Dr. West and Tavis Smiley regarding Pres. Obama, I remembered both Dr. West and Mr. Smiley are single and childless. I further noted both are modern day Black orators in their own right, so henceforth and for whatever it is worth:
Frederick Douglas: 1818-1895, married, five children

Dr. W.E.B. DuBois: 1918-1963, married, two children

Dr. Martin Luther King: 1929-1968, married, four children

Dr. Henry Louis Gates: 1950, married, two children

Dr. Cornel West: 1953

Tavis Smiley: 1964

At this time, conclusions, if any, are emotional for me and, praise the Lord, out of my discipline.
As always,

Professor Harris-Perry DESTROYS Cornel West
By The Plainsman
Oh shit! Excuse my language, but that was my reaction after reading Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry's blogpost, article, let-me-take-Cornell West-to-the-woodshed moment in The Nation. As my Dad used to say way back in the day, she "beat the black" off the brother!

In a self-aggrandizing, victimology sermon deceptively wrapped in the discourse of prophetic witness, Professor West offers thin criticism of President Obama and stunning insight into the delicate ego of the self-appointed black leadership class that has been largely supplanted in recent years.
Read more at:


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