Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sen. Obama: Humanizing America

I’m going to just come out and say what I think about those people who, deep into the bottom regions of their hearts, do not want to see Sen. Obama become President of the United States.

A vast number of them do not want to think of a Black as a human being. All their lives and the whole lives of generations in their families, Blacks were and to date are considered tolerable but by the same token, not as human as they are. They feel they are being forced to do and feel something they do not want and that is accepting his humanity and thus, him as an equal. So it is, they resist any information or emotions suggesting the contrary. “We don’t know him” they orate. “We’ve got to learn more about him”. This sentiment is coming mostly from the Neo-con controlled Mainstream Media and surrogates. I’m mindful only humans, Neo-cons, can live in their state of Israel and if the whole Middle East has to die for Israel’s right to live, so be it. “Those irritating non-humans. Oy!” I am mindful during the recent primaries how upset the Mainstream Media was learning how many white males were voting for Sen. Obama. This has really upset them and they have yet to recover.

Rick Sanchez on CNN tonight had a report how the world is viewing a possible President Obama. It was positive but I heard more than a positive report. I heard human voices re-acting to another human’s rhetoric and soul. Not good news for the nay-sayers. Not good enough. “You just don’t understand. He’sa,…. he’sa Muslin!” the straw grabbers are saying. Anything to deny a basic human instinct recognizing another human as an equal and graduating Cum Laude from a prestigious American university is definitely not a plus: It confuses them. Those people have their crosses to bear. I have mine. May God bless the both of us.
As always,
P.S. Note the Clintons appear emotionally and politically closer to Sen. McCain than to Sen. Obama.


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