Sunday, April 21, 2013

Gun background checks and Freedom of Information

Would I have voted for background checks?

It was several months ago when a local newspaper published the address of all gun owners living in a section of Virginia having permits to carry a cancelled weapon.

I don’t know how many times I have read that a government employee accidentally sent sensitive information to a newspaper.

With *gun background checks, it is not hard to envision reporters and organizations wanting to publish the applicants information under the Freedom of Information Act. It is not hard to envision a publication of people who successfully applied for or were denied a gun permit. It is not hard to envision publication of the name of a famous person or one of their family members applying for a gun permit.

To date, many of us have witnessed reckless reporting and pontification regarding two brothers and The Boston Massacre.

As always,

*Small Majority Approved of Miranda Rights for Terror Suspects

The failure of the Senate on Wednesday to pass a variety of gun control measures is yielding its share of second-guessing. How close was President Obama to seeing the bills meet the 60-vote super-majority required for approval? And was it a good use of his political capital to try?

I won’t attempt to provide definitive answers to these questions, but we can address some simpler ones. What factors predicted how the senators voted? Which were the most surprising yes votes — and which no votes does Mr. Obama have the most license to complain about?
Read more at:

This is our chance to stand behind responsible gun ownership and work on innovative solutions to chip away at our culture of violence. More importantly, this is the time to invest in programs that heal people that are affected by gun violence and work to inspire young people to solve problems peacefully.
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